Posted by Admin on November 28, 2022

The age-old adage, “Early bird catches the worm” is worth in gold in marketing. While we all love the dramatic timing of campaigns and how they are relevant. There is an extremely long-winded process through which a simple idea turns into something tangible in the hands of prospects. Winning happens when relevant marketing material reaches the right audience set at the right time. Hence, time to market becomes the winning formula that only a few can master.
Here are 5 ways you can ensure that your campaigns can Go-to-Market 3.5x Faster
1. Reduce Feedback loops
We live in a world where one word could mean different things to different people. With such a high chance of being misunderstood, a capable marketer would always want to test their communication piece. This could be one of the many other reasons why such a long set of Feedback Loops becomes a bottleneck for campaigns.
The first step to reducing Feedback Loops is to understand that there are two types of Feedback – one where brand guidelines are not followed and the other where the tone of communication is not in line with the audience or the brand. For the first type of Feedback, a Brand Checklist can be created which is checked and adhered to by all the Brand Contributors. This can be put up in the Central Repository and shared across the Agencies and partners working on the brand.
For the types of Feedback where the Brand Tonality or Audience Understanding is in question, you can create an Approval Hierarchy on BrndAddo. This would ensure that all the Stakeholders have investigated all the nuances and given approvals. You can set rules for each Approval Process making sure that only the most essential Creative pieces get priority checks and quicker outcomes are possible.
2. Quickly discover already-owned Brand Assets
Most of the time and effort is spent finding the correct images or videos. Most of the time we use the same image or similar images, multiple times. Having a single Stock Image Account is extremely impractical but the only possible solution, if you wish to repurchase the same image, at no extra cost. Not anymore with BrndAddo.
Through our Smart AI Search, you can now search quickly across all the images and videos bought by all your agencies. You can quickly close on a creative by sharing it as a reference or use the image that is in the library and reduce the redundancies and save on costs as well.
3. Quicker turnaround post Feedback
Most of the time is consumed deciphering the Feedback and then translating it into a meaningful debrief. To enable your teams to quickly build upon Feedback, BrndAddo comes equipped with a Merged Channel of Communication. Now your teams would never miss that vital comment of a key stakeholder or the design change request.
To improve the speed to come back with new Creative pieces, BrndAddo comes equipped with Smart Edit functionality. Here small edits like copy changes or minor tweaks in design can now be Edited on the platform, in Real-time itself. This drastically reduces the turnaround time and quicker approvals and closures.
4. Ensure Brand Consistency
As Digital Marketing continues to become mainstream, more touchpoints open for brands. This explosion of touchpoints means consistency in the delivery of messages becomes critical for a brand’s success. It can often become incredibly challenging to build this consistency across different departments and brand teams working in different Agencies (both internal and external). This becomes even more complex when we try to scale up our marketing department or add new agencies to manage the Brand Conversations on different platforms.
At BrndAddo, we understand these complexities that you face every day. To enable your teams to always be on top of creating consistent Brand Conversations, we bring to you the power of creating a Central Repository.
Now your brand assets can be organized and stored in secure cloud-based storage. Now your Brand Custodians, across agencies and departments can have 24×7 access to your latest Brand Guidelines. When all brand assets are available all the time, your teams would always be up to date and ready to serve consistent messages, across platforms.
5. Centralize control while enabling collaboration
Brand Control is critical to building brand salience across markets. But with the constantly expanding canvas of Marketing possibilities, it is essential that you enable teams both internal as well as external to use your Brand Assets and tell the Brand Story to the world within the guardrails of your Brand. This open yet closed system of Creative Liberty is critical for brands to be ready for the opportunities opening. We at BrndAddo understand this and have created a comprehensive Brand Support Solution that is built on this core requirement.
Request a Demo and see how BrndAddo can accelerate your Brand to the next level of branding.norsk apotek24

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