Posted by Admin on January 26, 2022

The hybrid workplace is here to stay.
Which means the Zoom fatigue is too, right?
Not necessarily!
But before we move to the solution, let us discuss the problem.
Zoom calls make your workflow look like a sinusoidal curve!

You get overwhelmed, then you slack (no pun intended), then you get overwhelmed, then you slack and so on. Your time management skills are in question because you are expected to multi-task and some of these tasks you might never have had formal training in.
For example, if you are not technologically adept, you might have a problem following processes because the processes may involve significant use of technology. So, the alternative is to choose a tool that involves a lesser learning curve.
Can a Brand Asset Management Tool Help here?
One of the most challenging tasks to pull off in a hybrid work environment is design tasks and campaign management. Some of the mini-tasks in said projects would be better done if the strategist be present there with the design team in person. However, considering the health protocol, that is improbable.
Now, the solution: Remote Collaborative Workspace! Yes, that is it! What features can be part of said Workspace:
a. Comment Thread – Done
b. Annotations marking the changes in a creative – Done
c. Version Control that shows the most relevant version of a video asset – Done
d. One Click Approval – Uh, Duh-one!
An Anti-Dote to Synchronous Communication
The problem with synchronous communication is the ’always ON’ mode. It still feels like someone is breathing down your neck virtually, all the time. What‘s worse is that A Brand Asset Management tool can help achieve the following:
a. It frees up valuable, productive time waiting for feedback
b. Someone in your team who knows something better than you can contribute in his own time
c. You can cut down check-in meetings and earn the gratitude of your team
d. You can literally be a hero by cancelling Friday meetings
e. It promotes a culture of transparency, something every management dreams of!

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