Posted by Admin on January 26, 2022

‘Slow and steady wins the race’ was an acceptable adage. Once.
But then, we made the bunny hop from Aesop to ASAP. 
Things transformed.
Priorities changed amidst the pandemic.
We didn’t want our clientele to wait around for brand custodians to access their own brand assets.
We didn’t want their approval process to take a lifetime.
We didn’t want following brand guidelines to be a Herculean task.
So, we transitioned from Slow and Steady to Fast and Perfect.
Introducing Brndaddo
Brndaddo is a unique AI-Powered Brand Asset Management (BAM) tool, which will not only help you Discover, Create, Collaborate, and Control your brand assets, but also solidify your brand integrity.
Challenges causing Productivity Lapse amidst the pandemic (or even otherwise)
Challenge 1: Search process being cumbersome
Without the right Brand Asset Management tool, the search for Brand Assets can be a cumbersome process. And more often than not, there is a need to know the exact filename to locate an asset. Even after hours of searching, your search can return an irrelevant result.
Challenge 2: Maintaining Brand Guidelines
Maintaining brand guidelines starts with the streamlining of the design process. There is no need for designers to start from scratch every time to maintain brand guidelines, IF you have the right Brand Asset Management tool.
Challenge 3: Storage and Access
Secure yet accessible Cloud storage is an absolute necessity, considering how everyone works remotely from different parts of the country (and possibly the world).
Challenge 4: Chaos in collaboration
The approval process is often delayed, thanks to which there is chaos in collaboration, ultimately with a delay in project deliveries.
Brndaddo Features to the Rescue…
Solution for Challenge 1: AI-Powered Search 
AI allows discovery of Brand Assets by the objects that are part of said assets. For example, if the media asset contains a cup, a search with the keyword ‘cup’ can retrieve the image or video from the Smart Asset Depository. This feature of Brndaddo saves hundreds of productive hours for brands by finding your Brand Assets 100X Quicker!
Solution for Challenge 2: Interactive Designer and Pre-Loaded Templates
Brndaddo’s Interactive Designer gives the designer enough creative freedom within the ambit of the brand guidelines. With our Pre-Loaded Templates, the design sizes for different social media and corresponding standard templates are available at your disposal.
Solution for Challenge 3: Smart Asset Depository 
With our Unified Intelligent Cloud, you can collect all data relevant to your brand at one secure destination for safekeeping and discovery. With a military grade encryption of AWS, we can reassure you of brand asset security.
Solution for Challenge 4: Real-Time Feedbacks
With our Real-Time Feedbacks, you can share your assets and get real-time approval at the best Turnaround Time possible. Approval process and collaboration become 10X more efficient.
In a nutshell, you can set your productivity in overdrive mode by Simplifying Brand Control with Brndaddo.
Our clients like Eicher, Mahindra, Airtel and more have been able to save over 10 hours every week, thanks to our solution.
After seeing the positive results, this is what EICHER had to say about BRNDADDO.
“Anything we can do to add minutes back to our day, even if it’s 30 seconds or a minute or two a couple times a day, it really adds up. It gives us back time and money and allows us to hit our goals faster. It also gives our team a sense of accomplishment” 
Now, let us get back to the question, are you ready for some hare racing stories?

Solved Cases,​
Happy Faces!​

Symmetry With Every Industry!

Brndaddo has proven time and time again that its versatile solutions fit brands of any industry, regardless of scale.

Our Implementation Experts make sure you are equipped with the brand control that we promise.